
You make a difference!

As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the generosity of our patrons and friends to keep moving forward. We’ve accomplished a great deal for a small company since we began in 1998 and are excited about the future possibilities. But we simply can’t do it without you! Ticket sales alone cannot cover the costs of producing a professional play or musical.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation or participating in our other fundraising opportunities:

  • In-kind Sponsorship
    • Donate goods or services
  • Adopt-A-Chair Campaign
    • Put your money where our ask is! Consider adopting one of the beautiful new chairs in the Tenth Street Theatre. A limited number are still available. For your tax-deductible donation of $250, a lovely brass plaque will be added to the arm of one of our ninety-nine seats. Inscribe it however you wish – your name, a family name, company name, beloved pet – you get the idea! Call 414-271-1371 and get your “adoption papers” today!
  • Bequeaths
  • Memorials

For more information about donating to In Tandem Theatre, please call 414-271-1371. We also accept Mastercard and Visa over the phone or simply download the donation form and mail your tax-deductible gift to us.

We greatly appreciate your support!